Per UIL policy (section 1208 h), every Varsity game has to have a game administrator assigned to it. It can be a school administrator or a coach who is not coaching in the game. It is “recommended “ that a game administrator be assigned to sub-varsity games.
Please make sure to ask who the administrator assigned is and where they will be in case they are needed during the contest!
According to the policy, if there is no administrator assigned to a Varsity game, WORK THE GAME and inform the coaches that an incident report will completed and will be considered “A STRIKE” against the school for lack of assigning a game administrator.
If an incident does occur that requires the use of a game administrator and you deem it serious enough, you do have the ability to suspend the game. A thorough and complete incident report will need to be completed and submitted within 24 hours of the incident. The. UIL or district can deal with it after.
If you have any questions, please reach out to any board member. It is also important that you notify Chris, Jaime, and myself of said incidents. MOST IMPORTANTLY, REST ASSURED THAT WE AS A BOARD WILL SUPPORT YOU IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE!
There is a current version of the school contacts in the secured Umpires Only Area. ( Please note access requires a password. Pease obtain from the Site Admin).
Please use the contacts in this file to mail paysheets to.
You will also find a printable roster of all umpires in the chapter with contact info.
Rules Changes and Test Review
Visit our Forms and Manauls section for rule changes, test reviews, case studies and more.
Pitching foot diagram
Note the pitching feet diagrams have been removed as the rule has been simplified.
If the pivot foot is parrallel to the rubber, he is in the Set position. If perpendicular, he is in Windup. Simple as that.
Updated Paysheets are Now Available
You will find Paysheets available in our Forms and Manuals Area.
They have been updated to automatically calculate game fees and travel expense. New state mileage rates have been updated as well as new UIL payment schedules (Including single umpire game fees)
Please Note - we found an error in the Paysheeet that was still using last year's payscale. Please downlod a current copy for corrected rates.
Download now for invoice submission.
You will find the school contacts, to send invoices to, in our secured umpires only area.
You will also find a link to the UIL Metro Mileage Calculator
Arbiter Blocks and Arbiter Pay
GET Into ARBITER AND SET YOUR BLOCKS. If you need help, let Mike or Jaime know.
Many schools we service use Arbiterpay so if you don’t have that set up, do so now. If you don’t know how, email me or call me. Meeting schedules are published to the right
Mechanics Training
You can find the 2, 3 and 4 man mechanics training videos in the Forms and Training area
Field Location Maps
You will now find field location maps under the Home menu for most of the schools we call. Let me know if I missed any.
Base Running Responsibilities
Points of Emphasis and Case Studies
Visit the points of emphasis section for recent rules clarifications and the case studies section for interesting play scenarios and situations.
Free westtexasumpires.com mailboxes or mail alias’ available
Free mailboxes or pass through address alias’ are available to all current West Texas Umpires. Your mail address will be firstname.lastname@westtexasumpires.com.
Option 1: Full featured web based mailbox. You can receive and send from the westtexasumpires.com domain. You have your choice of browser based mail clients or can link to your own SMPT/POP server. Mail is accessed from menu above.
Option 2: Mail alias. Allows receive function only to the westtexasumpires.com domain. Mail will automatically forward to your specified personal email account. Good for if you want to publish an email with the WTU domain, but don’t want to maintain multiple mailboxes.
If you would like a westtexasumpires.com email box or alias, contact the site admin using the contacts link above or email siteadmin@westtexasumpires.com. Specify which option, first.last name you would like used and include your forwarding address for alias’